Thursday, January 29, 2015

Technically, I'm brain dead but still dreaming of getting revenge by living well. Go figure that 1

You love me madly? That’s very strange because I love me madly too!!!

Now here’s the great Tom Jones singing What’s New Pussycat!!!

It’s not unusual to be loved by someone extraterrestrial 

It’s not unusual to have fun with humans.

It happens everyday.


I died and went to Google Heaven.

Well kiss my ad.

North Korea likes this

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My credentials are in order

Face Book shut down my account after firewalls were hacked by unknown parties.

Then a woman sent a message to my unlisted cell phone.  She had the name of Mauritania that I later saw on a map in a PBS news program.

It’s a country in the Middle East. 

And the adventure begins…

Spooky cool

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When I was a kid, Albert Einstein warped my mind when he said imagination is more important than knowledge.

It’s my turn now.

I Think I’m Turning Japanese I Really Think So!!!
By Danny Aponte Of P.S 161 in The South Bronx

Japanese Anime South Bronx style!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

I dream therefore I exist

The world will steal your dreams, my big sister warned me.

But the world can never steal your ability to create dreams.

I dreamt genius as a colorful minority.

I dreamt our light would forever disappear into the future of Earth

For now we make Japanese Anime South Bronx style!!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Blindfolded boy swung a light sword to hit a piñata made in the shape of a human brain. 

One lucky crack released an audience of kids with arms to sunny sky to catch Blu-Rays in a backyard on Story Avenue in The South Bronx. 

It gave me heartache to find words to write real

I rather watch a movie.

That means next Great American Novel is a sound bite on Social Media

And pretty picture…

…Fade to black and Love Will Tear Us Apart sung by Joy Division


North Korea likes Joy Division

Art & Text by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

Copyrighted 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Evolution is spiritual

Art is the lie that tells the truth on The Silence of The Freedom of Expression.

 It’s The Perfect Democracy where ideas are never born

Artwork & text by Daniel Angel Aponte 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015