Friday, August 29, 2014

I dream therefore I exist to change the world

Out of Office Re: I have an idea to draw people to NYPL by inviting celebritie​s who grew up in The South Bronx to read from their life stories. Long story short, this began for me at NYU with homework to create a Tour Book for The South Bronx. Thank you for your time


Michael Alvarez

Aug 23 (6 days ago)
to me
I will be away from the office with limited access to email until Wednesday, August 27, 2014.  If an urgent response is needed, please reach out to the following Unit Heads: Jean Harripersaud; or Evelyn Muriel-Cooper

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I went into the past and saw how far ahead of my time my childhood was.


I dreamt therefore I existed to change the world.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I dream therefore I'm going to change the world

Mind If I Solve My Own Murder?

I’m recruiting you to help me put Americans on police line-ups.


It’s Mission: Impossible very dangerous.


Try to have fun




And no laugh track need apply.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Quaid, Start The Reactor...

 Chat Transcript [Question #9776156]

Aug 18 (7 days ago)
to me
Hello Daniel Angel Aponte,

Your chat transcript with a librarian at New York Public Library - ASK NYPL

New information has been sent regarding your session:

[Librarian 14:44:50]: You are welcome and thank you for using Ask NYPL

Date: 14:41 2014/08/18
Question ID: 9776156

Chat Transcript: How do I submit an idea to draw people to libraries by booking former South Bronx residents like Sonia Sotomayor, Colin Powell, Al Pacino and other published authors to read on the stories of our lives at The NYPL?

[Librarian 14:41:36]: Librarian 'Serena' has joined the session.
[Librarian 14:41:40]: Hello. Welcome to the AskNYPL Chat Service!

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I am reviewing your question now.

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(At the end of our chat session, if the e-mail address you provided is correct, you will receive a complete transcript in your in-box.)
[Daniel Angel Aponte 14:42:06]: Roger that
[Librarian 14:42:46]: we do have a program called LIVE at NYPL that does take place at the Main Library but you may contact the head of the Bronx Library Center
[Librarian 14:43:00]: His name is Michael Alvarez
[Librarian 14:43:15]: this is his email:
[Daniel Angel Aponte 14:44:04]: Thank you, Serena! Anything else?
[Daniel Angel Aponte 14:44:25]: Have a nice day
[Daniel Angel Aponte 14:44:30]: Patron ended chat session.
[Librarian 14:44:50]: You are welcome and thank you for using Ask NYPL