Saturday, September 27, 2014

And war of ideas broke out in the cyber heavens...

I learned art is the lie that tells the truth.


When I was a kid, The Daily News presented me with an award for my painting that lied about New York City in the happiest time of the year.


Years later, my godchildren lied so well they taught me how to lie better than ever.


And that’s the truth.


Friday, September 26, 2014

When is the 21 Century due to arrive on Planet Earth?


Is there something wrong with the brain warp drive?


Let us bring humans up to light speed.


Blue Highway sung by Billy Idol

Tele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914

MRI of my brain by New York Radiology

Monday, September 22, 2014

Got Particle?

Ms Blank has changed her profile in another fit of Face Book Narcissism


You look marvelous. As always, you’re ad about you.



Tele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Murals On Children’s’ Dreams In The South Bronx Of America And Beyond Borders


Once upon a time, I had a dream for The City That Never Sleeps…


It began with homework to draw tourists to The South Bronx.


My tour book ended in The Library, stories of our lives.


What’s mind is yours in The War Of Ideas.


Reading With The Stars by Dan Aponte


Book them, Dano.


Book them all.


http://teleeclectic.blogspot.comTele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914


Evil can't destroy good dreams

Murals On Children’s’ Dreams In The South Bronx Of America And Beyond Borders


Once upon a time, I had a dream for The City That Never Sleeps…


It began with homework to draw tourists to The South Bronx.


My tour book ended in The Library, stories of our lives.


What’s mind is yours in The War Of Ideas.


Reading With The Stars by Dan Aponte


Book them, Dano.


Book them all.


http://teleeclectic.blogspot.comTele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914


Reading With The Stars In The War Of Ideas

Murals On Children’s’ Dreams In The South Bronx Of America And Beyond Borders


Once upon a time, I had a dream for The City That Never Sleeps…


It began with homework to draw tourists to The South Bronx.


My tour book ended in The Library, stories of our lives.


What’s mind is yours in The War Of Ideas.


Reading With The Stars by Dan Aponte


Book them, Dano.


Book them all.


http://teleeclectic.blogspot.comTele-eclectic Reinvention Copyrighted 2914


Friday, September 19, 2014

Hobo With A Library Card Goes Cosmic

Head injuries made me take a sharp turn into Dream Land.


Which way to Bitch Slapping Reality again?


On second thought, I think I’ll stay here.


Maybe I can change the world.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

I recall....

Danny, I just came back from The Salvador Dali Museum in Spain, said a girlfriend.


LIAR, I wanted to shout in a fit of jealousy but instead said Persistence of Memory.


It’s a painting of melting clocks, she said in wonder that made me love art more


After my head injuries I had visions of melting DVDs and Television sets.


I wandered in the wastelands of mass media a hobo with a library card.


This is my surreal journey to get a real life in The South Bronx.


This is my noble failure to do so in my American Dream.


I’m implanted with false memories like “tears in rain…”


This is Twilight Zone Time. Up ahead: Rod Sterling.


Hobo submitted for your approval in Cyber Space.


No laugh track need apply for job.