Thursday, September 18, 2014

I recall....

Danny, I just came back from The Salvador Dali Museum in Spain, said a girlfriend.


LIAR, I wanted to shout in a fit of jealousy but instead said Persistence of Memory.


It’s a painting of melting clocks, she said in wonder that made me love art more


After my head injuries I had visions of melting DVDs and Television sets.


I wandered in the wastelands of mass media a hobo with a library card.


This is my surreal journey to get a real life in The South Bronx.


This is my noble failure to do so in my American Dream.


I’m implanted with false memories like “tears in rain…”


This is Twilight Zone Time. Up ahead: Rod Sterling.


Hobo submitted for your approval in Cyber Space.


No laugh track need apply for job.


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