Thursday, December 14, 2017

bring me up to light speed

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sunglasses
 A story that makes a person feel and think is a gift.

This is one about 5 South Bronx orphans that form an air guitar group to save Earth from Global Warming.

They name their group Garbagelogy.

Go Green.

They have an idea to get every real musician and singer to sing one song at the same time in a worldwide concert.

One song suggestion, among so many great songs, is Heroes by David Bowie.

There is a story behind this story.

It is one on Artificial Intelligence that repeats lines to a song:

I want to know what love is/ I want you to show me.

Love’s a glitch.

A.I was designed for military operations instead of helping 5 orphans save Earth.

It has gone beyond the parameters of its programming.

Now Playing

The Final Countdown

Some Artwork, Some Photography, Art Direction & Text by D.A.A.D

Daniel Angel Aponte Dreamer

Copyrighted 2017 

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